Weekly Update 09/28/2021 – Fr. Cyril Gorgy






Beloved Holy Resurrection Church (HRC) family, wishing you a blessed Feast of the Cross. 


HRC Fishing Trip: The fishing trip is this Saturday. There’s a few spots available.  Please checkout the flyer for details. You can use this link to sign up.


DOME presentation at HRC:  This Thursday, 9/30 at 7pm.  Fr Daniel from the Department of Mission and Evangelism (DOME) will present to us different ways we can serve our community through Biblical teaching.  Fr Daniel will provide insight on how HRC members can establish new services and opportunities to serve our community.


HRC Fellowship Meeting:

  Thursday 10/7 – Peter Eskander will speak to us about “Relationships: predestination and free will”. Looking forward to seeing you there!

  Saturday 10/9 – HRC Fellowship Picnic at Burton Chace Park at 3PM. Lunch will be served so come hungry and bring a friend!


Coptic Education Foundation: Will be conducting free virtual (flyer) and in-person (flyer) workshops on College Admission, Personal Statement and Financial Aid and FAFSA .  


Vespers & Praises:  Saturday 7pm


Divine Liturgies:  Wed: 5:15-7:15am

                             Sun:  8-10:30am


Sunday’s Sermon: We discussed why do we celebrate the Feast of the Cross.  To view the sermon, please see this link and scroll to 00:59:00.


Ways To GIVE: While praying and searching for a church property to purchase, we are focusing on saving up for the down payment.  You can contribute to the ‘HRC Build Fund’ by using any of the following options. 

  1. By Mail – Holy Resurrection Church, PO box 91701, Los Angeles CA 90009
  2. OnlineBy using this link , choose either ‘Bank Account’, or ‘Credit Card’. Using the ‘Bank Account’ option is PREFERRED, as a smaller percentage is deducted.


May our Risen Lord support and protect you by the power of His Holy Resurrection.


Fr. Cyril

 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7