Weekly Update 06/17/2024 – Fr. Cyril Gorgy






Beloved Holy Resurrection Church (HRC) family, wishing you a joyous Holy Fifty days, celebrating the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.  This Sunday we will celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, in commemoration of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples. We will pray the Prostration Prayer at 11am after the Sunday Divine Liturgy. 

Fishing Trip: August 24th.  This is a great opportunity to make life time memories with family and friends.  Please use this link to sign up.  


Congregation Hymns Meeting: Starts June 30th, 12:15-12:30pm.  Please plan to join this brief weekly meeting where we will practice chanting the responses in the Divine Liturgy together. This is open to all congregation. 


Community Service Opportunities: Please use this link to sign up for various Community Services volunteer opportunities.

would like to volunteer for different Community Services. 


HRC Vacation Bible School: August 5-7, 8:30am – 3pm. Please use this link to register your children for the HRC VBS for 1st-5th Grade.   


CEF Scholarship: Merit Achievement Scholarship for Graduate School

Applications are due June 30th.  Please use this link for more details. 

North America Young Professional Retreat: Sep 20-22, at Dallas TX.   Use this link to register. 


Seniors Convention: August 23.  Please use this link for more information  


Diocese Retreats: Please use this link for the Junior High School and High School Diocese Retreats. Check out the flyer at this link.  

HRC Linktree: Please check out this link for shortcut to all HRC links.

Missionary Trips: DOME- Department of Mission of Evangelism have 2024 missionary trip to Bolivia. Please use this link for more details.

Request Home Visitation: Please use this link to schedule a home visit or confession. 

Anonymous Suggestion Box: If you have a service recommendation or an idea you would like it to be considered, please use this link to anonymously submit it. 

This week’s Services: 

Mon    June  17 – Praises 7pm

Wed    June  19 – Divine Liturgy, Cancelled

Thu    June  20 – Graduates and Young Professionals (GYP) Meeting, 7pm    

Fri    June  21 – St Phoebe the Deaconess Meeting

    June  21 – Youth Bible Study, at 6:30pm, (High School and College)

Sat    Jun    22 – Vespers, 7pm

Sun    Jun    23 – Divine Liturgy  7:50-10:30am, followed by Prostration Prayer at 11am 

Last Sunday’s Sermon:  We learned that in Jesus Christ we will have Peace.  To view the Homily please use this linkand scroll to 01:20:00.  

Ways To GIVE:   Please also use this link to explore different ways to give.

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7