Weekly Update 07/01/2024 – Fr. Cyril Gorgy






Beloved Holy Resurrection Church (HRC) family, wishing you a blessed Apostles’ Fast.  God willing we will celebrate the Feast of the Apostle’s Divine Liturgy on Friday July 12 from 4:30-7:15am. There will be Lakan Prayer and washing of the feet before the Divine Liturgy. 

Great News! Thank God, the Hawthorne Planning Commission approved the submitted design concept today. The Architect will continue developing the design plans to submit for permits.  Please keep the project in your prayers.  

Ecclesiastical Choir:  God willing, Bishop Abraham will visit us on July 28.  If you would like to order a Choir Tunic, please fill out the required information at this link by this Saturday.  

Fishing Trip: August 24th.  This is a great opportunity to make life time memories with family and friends.  Please use this link to sign up.  

Congregation Hymns Meeting: July 7th, 12:15-12:30pm.  Please plan to join this brief weekly meeting where we will practice chanting the responses of the Divine Liturgy together. This is open to all congregation. 

***HRC Vacation Bible School: August 5-7, 8:30am – 3pm. Please use this link to register your children by this SUNDAY, for the HRC VBS for 1st-5th Grade.     

HRC Volleyball Club: July 20 Games. Please use this link to sign up for the first Volleyball Club games.  

Community Service Opportunities: Please use this link to sign up for various Community Services volunteer opportunities.

would like to volunteer for different Community Services. 

Seniors Convention: August 23.  Please use this link for more information  

Diocese Retreats: Please use this link for the Junior High School and High School Diocese Retreats. Check out the flyer at this link.  

HRC Linktree: Please check out this link for shortcut to all HRC links.

Missionary Trips: DOME- Department of Mission of Evangelism have 2024 missionary trip to Bolivia. Please use this link for more details.

Request Home Visitation: Please use this link to schedule a home visit or confession. 

Anonymous Suggestion Box: If you have a service recommendation or an idea you would like it to be considered, please use this link to anonymously submit it. 

This week’s Services: 

Mon    July    1 – Praises 7pm

Wed    July    3 – Divine Liturgy,  5:15-7:15am

Thu    July    4 – Graduates and Young Professionals (GYP) Meeting, Cancelled   

Fri      July    5 – Graduates and Young Professionals (GYP) Meeting, ‘Bonfire’   

Fri      July    5 – St Phoebe the Deaconess Meeting 

          July    5 – Youth Bible Study, at 6:30pm, (High School and College) ‘Bonfire’

Sat    July    6 – Vespers, 7pm

Sun    July    7 – Divine Liturgy  7:50-10:30am

Last Sunday’s Sermon:  We learned that during the Apostles’ Fast, we should focus on serving, and how St. Moses the Strong served others in secret.  To view the Homily please use this link.  

Ways To GIVE:   Please also use this link to explore different ways to give.

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7