Weekly Update 07/08/2024 – Fr. Cyril Gorgy






Beloved Holy Resurrection Church (HRC) family, wishing you a blessed Apostles’ Fast.  God willing we will celebrate the Feast of the Apostle’s Divine Liturgy this Friday July 12 from 4:30-7:15am. The Lakan Prayer will start at 5am

HRC Summer Nights: Starts July 16th at 6pm. This is for 6th-8th grade children.  We will meet weekly during the summer. This summer’s goal is to deepen our understanding of the Divine Liturgy, along with participating in volleyball games and other fun activities.

Fishing Trip: August 24th.  This is a great opportunity to make life time memories with family and friends.  Please use this link to sign up.  

Congregation Hymns Meeting: Every Sunday, 12:15-12:30pm.  Please bring your family and join this brief weekly meeting where we will practice chanting the responses of the Divine Liturgy together. This is open to all congregation. 

***HRC Vacation Bible School: August 5-7, 8:30am – 3pm. Last Call to register your children for the HRC VBS for 1st-5th Grade. Please use this link to register. 

***HRC Volleyball Club: *July 27 Games. Please use this link to sign up for the Volleyball Club games.  

Community Service Opportunities: Please use this link to sign up for various Community Services volunteer opportunities.  

HRC Linktree: Please check out this link for shortcut to all HRC links.

Request Home Visitation: Please use this link to schedule a home visit or confession. 

Anonymous Suggestion Box: If you have a service recommendation or an idea you would like it to be considered, please use this link to anonymously submit it. 

This week’s Services: 

Mon    July  8   – Praises 7pm

Wed    July 10 – Divine Liturgy, Cancelled

Thu    July  11 – Graduates and Young Professionals (GYP) Meeting, 7pm   

Fri    July    12 – Feast of The Apostles Divine Liturgy, 4:30-7:15am.  Lakan starts at 5am.  

Fri    July    12 – St Phoebe the Deaconess Meeting 

         July    12 – Youth Bible Study, at 6:30pm, (High School and College) 

Sat    July    13 – Vespers, 7pm

Sun   July    14 – Divine Liturgy  7:50-10:30am

Marriage and Family Life Meeting:  This Sunday 7/14 at 11:15am, Sam Wasfi will speak to us about “Being intentional in my marriage”

Last Sunday’s Sermon:  We learned how the early church lived, in order for us to follow in its footsteps.  To view the Homily please use this link.  

Ways To GIVE:   Please also use this link to explore different ways to give.

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7