Weekly Update 08/05/2024 – Fr. Cyril Gorgy






Beloved Holy Resurrection Church (HRC) family, wishing you a blessed week.  God willing, the St Mary Fast starts tomorrow Wednesday 8/7 to 8/22. Wishing you and your family a spiritually fruitful fasting season. 

Fishing Trip: August 24th. Space is limited, register today.   This is a great opportunity to make life time memories with family and friends.  Please use this link to sign up.  

Coptic League games : To receive email updates from the League please use this link to register or follow the league on instagram at this link

HRC Summer Nights: Cancelled this week, will resume on 8/13. This is for children in 5th-8th grade. 

Service Trip to Egypt: Nov 3-22, 2024.  Check out the flyer at this link.  

ACTS Theological School: Explore the various Programs and Courses offered by ACTS at this link. Strongly consider enrolling in a course to deepen your understanding of your faith.

Congregation Hymns Meeting: Every Sunday, 12:15-12:30pm.  Bring your family and join our brief weekly meeting where we will practice chanting the responses of the Divine Liturgy together. All members of the congregation are welcome.

5th Annual Seniors Convention: August 23-25.  The Guest speaker H.G. Bishop Hermina the general Bishop in east of Alexandria. To register please use  this updated link .  

Community Service Opportunities: Please use this link to sign up for various Community Services volunteer opportunities.  

HRC Linktree: Please check out this link for shortcut to all HRC links.

Request Home Visitation: Please use this link to schedule a home visit or confession. 

Anonymous Suggestion Box: If you have a service recommendation or an idea you would like it to be considered, please use this link to anonymously submit it. 

This week’s Services: 

Mon    Aug      5 – Praises 7pm

Wed    Aug      7 – Divine Liturgy,  5:15-7:15am

Thu    Aug      8 – Graduates and Young Professionals (GYP) Meeting, 7pm   

Fri      Aug      9 – St Phoebe the Deaconess Meeting, 3pm

          Aug      9 – Youth Bible Study, at 7:30pm, (High School and College) 

Sat    Aug    10 – Vespers, 7pm

Sun    Aug    11 – Divine Liturgy  7:50-10:30am

Last Sunday’s Sermon:  We learned the importance of reflecting on how I respond to God, after He has restored my life. To view the homily please use this link.  

Ways To GIVE:   Please also use this link to explore different ways to give.

“Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7