Weekly Update 08/09/2021 – Fr. Cyril Gorgy







Beloved Holy Resurrection Church (HRC) family, wishing you a blessed St Mary’s Fast.


On behalf of the HRC family we convey our condolences to:


  • The families of Kamal Keroles and Youssef Keroles for the departure of their beloved mother Mary Keroles, of blessed memory. The funeral will be held this Thursday August 12 at St. Abraam church in Torrance at 10:30 am.


+ The families of Mary Shalaby and Angela Azer for the departure of their beloved sister Irene Eskander.  The 3rd day prayer and condolences will be tonight, August 10th from 5:30-6:30 at St. George in Bellflower.


Renew your Marriage Seminar:  September 25.  Please visit this link for registration information.


Symposium celebrating St Habib Girgis:  Saturday August 21st, at St George, Bellflower.   Check out the flyer at this link.


Service trip to Bolivia:  December 19. Space is limited, need to apply by August 15th.  Service trips change lives, you are encouraged to join.  Please visit this link for details.


HRC Fellowship Meeting:  To receive notifications about this meeting, please sign up using this link.


Service Opportunities: Please sign-up for HRC service using this link.


Vespers & Praises:  Saturday 7pm


Divine Liturgies:  Wed:  5:30-7:30am

                              Sun:  8-10:30am


Weekly Memory Verse: Galatians 6:4 But let each one examine his own work, …5 For each one shall bear his own load.


Sunday’s Sermon: We discussed how to love a brother that is persistent in a sinful lifestyle.  To view the sermon, please see this link.


Ways To GIVE: While praying and searching for a church property to purchase, we are focusing on saving up for the down payment.  You can contribute to the ‘HRC Build Fund’ by using any of the following options.

  1. By Mail – Holy Resurrection Church, PO box 91701, Los Angeles CA 90301
  2. OnlineBy using this link , choose either ‘Bank Account’, or ‘Credit Card’. Using the ‘Bank Account’ option is PREFERRED, as a smaller percentage is deducted.


May our Risen Lord support and protect you by the power of His Holy Resurrection.


Fr. Cyril

 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7