Weekly Update 08/31/2021 – Fr. Cyril Gorgy







Beloved Holy Resurrection Church (HRC) family, wishing you a blessed week.


Effective September 1st, the diocese will be using a new database tool called CHMeetings, replacing the old CCB tool.  We have already moved your profiles over to the new database to save you the time, however, you still need to login and bookmark the new site.

Accordingly, we will be sending an email with a temporary password immediately after this week’s HRC weekly newsletters. Please use the temporary password to sign in and change your password.  Please email all questions regarding this change to [email protected]


HRC Fishing Trip: October 2nd. Checkout the flyer for details. Please use this link to sign up.


Renew your Marriage Seminar:  September 25.  Please visit this link for registration information and list of speakers.  It’s a great way to invest in your marriage.


Service trip to Bolivia:  December 19.  Service trips change lives, you are encouraged to join.  Please visit this link for details.


HRC Fellowship Meeting:  We’ll be meeting in person on Thursday, September 2nd at 7PM.   Dr Daniel Georgie will speak to us about “Christ in the Old Testament”.  Looking forward to seeing you there.  To receive notifications about this meeting, please sign up using this link.


Service Opportunities: Please sign-up for HRC service using this link.


Vespers & Praises:  Saturday 7pm


Divine Liturgies:  ***Wed:  5:15-7:15am

Sun:  8-10:30am


Weekly Memory Verse: Mark 13:35 Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house is coming


Sunday’s Sermon: We discussed how to prepare for the end times.   To view the sermon, please see this link and scroll to 55:00.


Ways To GIVE: While praying and searching for a church property to purchase, we are focusing on saving up for the down payment.  You can contribute to the ‘HRC Build Fund’ by using any of the following options.

  1. By Mail – Holy Resurrection Church, PO box 91701, Los Angeles CA 90301
  2. OnlineBy using this link , choose either ‘Bank Account’, or ‘Credit Card’. Using the ‘Bank Account’ option is PREFERRED, as a smaller percentage is deducted.


May our Risen Lord support and protect you by the power of His Holy Resurrection.


Fr. Cyril

 Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7